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I’m posting this on December 15, 2022, but I wrote it back in January of this year. It just took me that long to figure out how to actually set up my blog! I’ve spent the whole day crying and am brokenhearted reading this today because I am confronted with the reality that I have failed. I had SO much hope for this year and fought with all my heart, soul, and might to hold onto that hope. This year, especially these past few weeks, have threatened to all but destroy me. I have sobbed my guts out repeatedly with no seeming hope of relief. BUT….I MUST say: even though I have failed this year, that does NOT change ANY truth about God and His character. He IS still LIMITLESS. He is STILL the God of the impossible. He can still make a way where there is no way. My circumstances do not define His goodness or His character or His love for me. No disappointment, upset, failure, setback, pain, or devastation can change the fact that He is victorious, that He has died for me and has given me eternal life, and nothing changes that He loves me with an everlasting love that my finite human mind can’t even begin to comprehend. I hope with all my heart that next year will look different than this year does. I pray that I will experience His limitlessness in ways I only dreamed and hoped to this year. But if I don’t, God is STILL good, STILL faithful, STILL trustworthy, STILL worthy of all my praise and worship, and I need to do a much better job of surrendering to Him and giving Him the praise and worship that He alone is worthy of. Here is my entry from the beginning of 2022:


Eight years ago, I was inspired by a fellow actor, colleague, and sister in Christ that I met when I was living in NYC, to choose a word for the year. She is not only an amazing actor and human being, but an incredible writer and shares her heart so openly and authentically. I was intrigued when I learned that at the beginning of each year, she listens for the Lord to give her a word for that year. It would be the word that directed her relationship with the Lord, with others, with herself, and guide her life for an entire year. I thought that was awesome. So, I decided to listen for a word each year beginning in 2014. That year, my word was “love.” Over the years, some of my standout words have been: fearless, joy, faith, trust, and grace. Grace was my word for 2017 and it literally took until DECEMBER of that year to see that that’s the word God had chosen for me! Other years, I have known what my word would be in the first few weeks of the New Year. 

God gave me His word for this year at the very end of last year. So, I knew that going into 2022, my word was “LIMITLESS.” And He also gave me a passage to go along with that: 

“I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know that love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. NOW TO HIM WHO IS ABLE TO DO IMMEASURABLY MORE THAN ALL WE ASK OR IMAGINE, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:16-21 

I don’t know about you, but I have QUITE the imagination. I can imagine a LOT! I can ask a lot too. I often fail to realize that ANYTHING I can ever ask or imagine PALES in comparison to all that God is able to do, and more importantly, all He IS. And while I KNOW that and absolutely believe it, how often do I LIVE each day like that’s true? I’m embarrassed to say: not often enough. How often do I go through life with a scarcity mindset and with the false belief that everything depends on me…that the whole world is in MY hands? Again, I’m embarrassed. It’s quite a lot. However, I am DETERMINED to overcome this false, toxic, thinking this year through the power of His Holy Spirit living within me. The truth is: God is limitless. He has limitless resources, limitless time, limitless creativity, limitless love, limitless EVERYTHING. 

Earlier in Ephesians, His word tells us that “His incomparably great power is for us who believe,” (Ephesians 1:19) and that, “God raised us up with Christ and seated us in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:6)

If that’s true, and I absolutely believe it is, why does my life often reflect one of no power? Of lack? Of fear? NO MORE, I say! (and more importantly, God says!) 

My goal for this year is for God to draw me so near to His heart that I experience His limitlessness in every aspect of my life- that I love people with His limitless love, that I serve them with His limitless energy, kindness, joy, grace, mercy, and goodness, that my resources for my business and the life my husband and I are building would be limitless, that my creativity would limitlessly abound, and that my life and interaction with people would stir a longing in their hearts to know and love Jesus. 

I choose to live in abundance, knowing that there are enough clients out there for EVERYONE, knowing that there is no competition when it comes to creating beautiful art and loving people well, knowing that my husband and I will have everything we need because the Lord is our provider, and He is LIMITLESS. 

Here’s to a LIMITLESS 2022! 


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